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So the feedback from the earphones is extremely positive from both the teacher and the child. Child X asks for the earphones for every session and reminds the teacher if they are not used he makes sure that the teacher is reminded to use them. The child, according to the teacher, became more focussed and his listening skills have greatly improved in the short time he has had access to the WhispEar. The child has told me he can concentrate better and hear everything that is said more clearly and that it helps him focus..... he loves using it and it is really helping him.

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The children have really enjoyed using them and they work really well. We just loved using them within class....the concentration from the children was much better and the room was much calmer and quieter. It was a great behaviour management tool also. I used them in group work as well as when I read the class read . The attention was much better.

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I gave it a go during my lectures and it really helped me focus, I loved it! First time I've focused for more than 20mins.

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It makes such a difference as X is more engaged and I find it so much easier to keep him on task.

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It is super helpful to be able to give direct praise /instructions discretely, without drawing attention to the child in front of the class.

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If I am not concentrating, Miss X can just whisper in my ear.

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It's good because you don't get distracted about other people talking, you can just hear Miss Y.

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It is just a bit more clear when Miss Z is speaking.
