Help filter out unwanted background noises but allow to focus on one voice. Ideal for the classroom, day trips, supermarket or anywhere were the listener wants to be able to listen to a crystal-clear voice whilst removing background noises. Designed to support Auditory Processing Disorder & Autism Sound Sensitivity. Distributed by School Supplier.
Testimonials ShopMany children wear ear defenders to help reduce noise levels providing the ability to reduce stress and improve concentration. The problem this creates is it also reduces the volume and clarity of the teacher or Mum or Dad.
The small rechargeable transmitter has the capacity to transmit your voice to an entire class. Can be worn by lanyard or placed in a pocket with an impressive working range.
Clip the microphone to clothing to provide the listener with clear audio. Also available as a headset.
The rechargeable receiver is designed to be fitted inside ear defenders, reducing noise by up to 25dB or can be worn over ear. The small but clear speaker provides the user the ability to focus on the speaker.
Children sensitive to noise benefit from reducing levels. Proven to help with Autism Sound Sensitivity and Auditory Processing Disorder, the WhispEar solution enables the listener to still have a crystal-clear audio of the teacher, Mum or Dad or carer whilst still removing background noise.
The teacher or carer wears the transmitter enabling them to speak normally, not needing to raise their voice to be heard. The listener wears or inserts the receiver into the ear defenders and can then hear with greater clarity.
When wearing ear defenders to reduce environmental noise, the wearer can naturally feel disconnected from the teacher, friends, or family, making it difficult to differentiate between sounds and separate conversations/noise. For example, If sat in a restaurant, you may want to listen/focus on listening to the person on your table, but, the table next to you also has people talking. Ordinarily you can ‘filter’ out this unwanted conversation and focus on the person you want to hear. Wearing ear defenders or having difficulty hearing make sthis very difficult.
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Understanding that background noise can be extremely stressful and difficult to process, the WhispEar system has a positive impact.
We wanted to ensure that all people could benefit from the WhispEar system. That is why we have made it possible for anybody to purchase directly from this website. Click here.
For schools and the education sector, our distribution partner is